Friday, March 18, 2011

New York- Post 1

Can I just tell you how much I love NYC?-----------------------------------------------------------------> that much, x1000! It is so amazing. I really love big cities. What can I say? I guess I'm a "city girl". I'm the type of person that can get bored pretty easily. I need to be going new places, and exploring, and just having fun! I'm not the type that likes to stay home, and watch a movie. I like to get out and LIVE A LITTLE! Thats why i LOVE big cities. There is always something going on, always somewhere to be. One day I hope to eventually end up here... or somewhere like Seattle, or LA. Yes, its expensive, but honestly to mean its worth it. I would work my butt off to live somewhere I love because frankly, I thrive in interesting places.

                                            Picture of me and Alyssa, taken on Alyssa's camera.


  1. mmmm new york is so fun. i'd totally want to live there if cost of living wasn't 7x more than everywhere else in the u.s. :) annnnd salt lake is big enough for me :) love the pics arielle!
